Virginia CNA Classes Starting Soon!
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Programas de Educación en EnfermerÃa
De acuerdo con nuestra misión y nuestra visión, Heritage Care, Inc. ofrece una variedad de programas de capacitación de enfermeras certificadas en Maryland para crear nuevas oportunidades en el cuidado de la salud tanto para nuestros empleados como para los miembros de la comunidad local. Estas clases están disponibles para personas que deseen obtener una nueva certificación o completar horas de crédito de educación continua para mejorar sus credenciales.
Heritage Care, Inc. también está afiliado a muchos colegios y universidades. Brinda a los estudiantes de enfermerÃa y terapia del área la oportunidad de obtener experiencia práctica y aprender de nuestros profesionales mientras cumplen con los requisitos de pasantÃa de su escuela.
Programa de Capacitación de Asistente de EnfermerÃa CNA/GNA
Heritage Care Inc. opera un programa de capacitación certificado por la Junta de EnfermerÃa de Maryland tanto para los miembros de nuestra comunidad como para las organizaciones con las que nos asociamos. El programa es gratuito para los miembros de la comunidad, siempre que haya subvenciones disponibles y un miembro de la comunidad cumple con los requisitos de elegibilidad. El programa es de 108 horas, de las cuales 68 son de capacitación en el aula y habilidades, mientras que las 40 horas restantes son horas clÃnicas._cc781905-5cde-3194-bb3b- 136bad5cf58d_ Tenemos horarios tanto diurnos como vespertinos.
El programa de capacitación de Heritage Care es posible gracias a nuestros socios en Employ Prince Georges, Mission of Love Charities y el programa de educación para adultos de Prince George's Community College.
Haga clic en el botón del formulario de solicitud a continuación si está interesado en presentar una solicitud. Los solicitantes serán revisados un mes antes de que comience la clase. Los solicitantes se seleccionan según los requisitos de elegibilidad especÃficos de la subvención que financia la clase.
Maryland CNA/GNA Nurse Assistant Apprenticeship
Free tuition and Scholarships for Qualified Community Members
​Heritage Care Inc. is proud to announce our newly approved CNA/GNA apprenticeship program. In the spring of 2024, Heritage Care was approved by the Maryland Department of Labor to offer this program. In this program, apprentices gain nursing assistant credentials and then work on the floor with one of partnering employers. The duration of this program is one year. Apprentices are paid the same as other new nursing assistants and they receive raises throughout the year. Some partnering employers offer bonuses up to $1,500 for the successful completion of the program.* If you are interested in this program, please complete the "Interested Candidate Form" below and indicate that you are specifically interested in the apprenticeship program.
If you are a Prince George's County resident and you have a documented Prince George's County address, please create an account with the Employ PG Virtual Career Center by clicking HERE and then selecting "Create New Account". If you are unsure what to select when it asks which program you are interested in, select "working with Employ Prince George's Inc." Once you have created this account, upload any requested documents, answer the career questionnaire and then wait for a career counselor to contact you.
If you are a Montgomery County resident, we are pleased to announce that we are in the process of becoming a provider with WorkSource Montgomery. We hope to start services for Montgomery County residents in early 2025. Feel free to check in with us for an updated starting date!​
* Please check with the partnering employer before starting your program to confirm there is a bonus and the amount of the bonus. Heritage Care is not responsible for any aspect of the bonus program and will not be accountable if an apprentice's bonus expectations are not met
Virginia Nursing Assistant Training Program
Free tuition and Scholarships for Qualified Community Members
​Heritage Care Inc. is now offering a nursing assistant training program in Northern Virginia. The training is in-person at Fairfax Rehabilitation and Nursing Center located in Fairfax, Virginia. The program is 144 hours and it is free to eligible community members. Classes are normally held from 8:30 am to 5:00 pm, Monday through Friday. Night classes may be available as well if there is enough community interest. Heritage Care Inc. partners with several different skilled nursing facilities to provide job opportunities to graduates of this program. If you are interested, please complete the interested candidate form below and review the three different options for funding your training.
Funding Options
Out of Pocket
If you are not eligible for WIOA funding or you do not want to commit to working for one of your partner facilities, we offer income-based scholarships for people that want to pay out of pocket. Please be prepared to show 3 months of paystubs for you and/or your partner or spouse. We will determine your out of pocket cost after calculating your scholarship during a one on one meeting prior to the start of the program.
Facility Sponsor
Heritage Care Inc. partners with different skilled nursing facilities to offer this program free of cost to eligible candidates. For this option, you must be able to work full-time for a period of one year after graduating from one of our partner facilities. You will be paid like any other nursing assistant new hire. If you want to select this option for funding your training, you must let us know in advance so we can set you up with an interview with the human resources team from the respective partner facility.
WIOA funding is government funding that helps certain people pay for career training. Heritage Care partners with Northern Virginia Career Works to offer WIOA-funded training to NOVA residents. To better understand, please view the video. Once you view the video, please go to the website using the button and sign up for a WIOA Eligibility Determination Appointment. This step is very important. You will find a link if you scroll down on the page. These appointments are hard to get and you should check for new spaces every day if you are waiting to get one.
NOTE: CNA students that receive WIOA funding have priority over CNA students that are sponsored or that pay out of pocket
Centro Regional de Pruebas de la NNAAP
Heritage Care Inc. opera un centro de pruebas NNAAP (Examen GNA) y actualmente se asocia con Credentia para ofrecer esta prueba. Para registrarse para el examen en esta ubicación, cree una cuenta Credentiaaquà y confirme la finalización del programa CNA con el programa al que asistió. Una vez que haya recibido la verificación de finalización del programa, puede proceder a programar sus exámenes escritos y de habilidades. Si necesita ayuda adicional, consulte el enlace a continuación o comunÃquese con los Servicios para personas que rinden el examen de Credentia.